
“And the LORD God formed man [of] the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul” (Genesis 2:7).

Many scientists have rejected the idea that man has a spirit — that we are no more than simply material organisms. After all, they reason, man evolved, but a non-material thing like a spirit cannot evolve.

Evolution is completely materialistic in its outlook. Nineteenth-century promoters of evolution admitted that they devised the idea of naturalistic evolution to get rid of the idea of a non-material, spiritual dimension.

That’s why it is noteworthy that, in 1983, Nobel prize-winning scientist George Wald announced to the scientific community that he had found evidence of a non-material aspect to life. Wald called this non-material part of life consciousness and concluded that our consciousness exists outside of space and time.

Evolutionary scientists quickly treated Wald as a heretic. Suddenly evolutionists attacked one of their own with the same ferocity they had previously reserved for creationists. They offered no argument against Dr. Wald’s science — they simply
refused to even look at his evidence because they just knew that he had the wrong conclusion.

The lesson we learn from this is that evolution is a faith —  a faith that competes with Christianity. Another lesson is that there is real scientific evidence that supports the Christian view of life and reality.

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