Month: April 2019

Creepy Joe Biden Saying ‘I like Kids Better Than Pizza”

creepy Joe Biden Saying ‘I like Kids Better Than Pizza”In this video you’ll see Creepy Joe Biden fondling little girls, touching them in unspeakable ways, and rubbing up against them from behind as his face beams with excitement. As someone who has experienced this type of behaviour from an old male pedophile when I was

UN Official: We Should Make Every Effort To Depopulate The Planet

UN Official: We Should Make Every Effort To Depopulate The PlanetChristiana Figueres, the Executive Secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, recently stated in an interview that the Earth is already over burdened with people and that we should look at depopulating the planet

Planned Parenthood Defends Ripping Babies’ Limbs Apart as “standard of care”

Planned Parenthood Defends Dismemberment Abortions Tearing Off Babies’ LimbsA Planned Parenthood lobbyist in Michigan defended abortions that dismember nearly fully formed unborn babies Wednesday, claiming the barbaric procedures are a “standard of care.” California Bill Would Require Free Abortions at Every College and UniversityRisk-averse college and university campuses in recent years have looked at all

Macron Says The Roman Catholic Notre Dame Cathedral In Paris Should Be Rebuilt With Muslim Minarets To ‘Reflect Diversity’ Of France

CHRISLAM RISING: French President Macron Says The Roman Catholic Notre Dame Cathedral In Paris Should Be Rebuilt With Muslim Minarets To ‘Reflect Diversity’ Of France With each passing day, it begins to appear more and more that the spectacular fire that engulfed the Roman Catholic Notre Dame cathedral in Paris was set intentionally. President Emmanuel Macron

Church Pedophiles & Child Sex Trafficking Nests Intersect by The Thousands

Church Pedophiles & Child Sex Trafficking Nests Intersect by The ThousandsDo not turn a blind eye. Pedophilia goes far beyond the walls of the church, and spreads much like the plague, infesting local communities and infiltrating daycares, schools, and foster care, while many remain protected by local community leaders and officials. INSANE: Clinton Connected Dem

Co-opting Jesus for unholy purposes

Co-opting Jesus for unholy purposesToday’s Progressives, for example, brazenly misquote the Sermon on the Mount as if it were the first draft of “The Communist Manifesto.” They claim that Jesus would back open borders, forced redistribution of wealth, seizure of private property and, most of all, sexual anarchy

Exhilarating’ implant turns thoughts to speech

‘Exhilarating’ implant turns thoughts to speechScientists have developed a brain implant that can read people’s minds and turn their thoughts to speech. The team at the University of California, San Francisco says the technology is “exhilarating”. They add that their findings, published in the journal Nature, could help people when disease robs them of their

Synthetic speech generated from brain recordings

Synthetic speech generated from brain recordingsA state-of-the-art brain-machine interface created by UC San Francisco neuroscientists can generate natural-sounding synthetic speech by using brain activity to control a virtual vocal tract — an anatomically detailed computer simulation including the lips, jaw, tongue, and larynx. The study was conducted in research participants with intact speech, but the