Category: News

Time to end churches as gun-free zones

Time to end churches as gun-free zonesSince 1950, 98% of all mass shootings have taken place in gun-free zones like schools, theaters, and yes, churches. It will surprise many Americans to learn that there was a time when you would have been breaking the law by NOT packing heat to church

Media Yawn at the War on Christians

Media Yawn at the War on ChristiansThe secular media greet Christmas as a shopping season and not as a special time for Christianity. They can devote hours of December “news” to which hot toys or gadgets would make great gifts but not to segments on Christ and His birth

Don’t Call Them UFOs, But 2019 Was The Year The United States Government Finally Admitted Increasing Presence Of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena

Don’t Call Them UFOs, But 2019 Was The Year The United States Government Finally Admitted Increasing Presence Of Unidentified Aerial PhenomenaBelieve it or not, 2019 was the year that the United States government finally ‘fessed up, at least in part, that there is more to UFOs and Unidentified Aerial Phenomena then they had been admitting

Christianity Today Embarrasses Evangelicals.

Christianity Today Embarrasses Evangelicals.For someone suffering from stage four cancer, it’s remarkable how much sicker I felt after reading Christianity Today’s recent attack on Donald Trump. The publication’s editor in chief, missing the whole point of being Christian—grace, hope, forgiveness—called for our President’s impeachment.