Nato satellite images reveal huge build up of Russian troops at Ukrainian frontier

Nato satellite images reveal huge build up of Russian troops at Ukrainian frontier
Nato presented satellite photographs on Thursday it said showed Russian deployments of 40,000 troops near the Ukrainian frontier along with tanks, armoured vehicles, artillery and aircraft ready for action. “This is a force that is very capable, at high readiness, and, as we have illustrated through the imagery, is close to routes and lines of communication,” British Brigadier Gary Deakin said… 

Putin threatens to cut gas to Ukraine, EU countries
Russian leader Vladimir Putin has threatened to cut off gas supplies to Ukraine unless it starts repaying a huge debt and unless the EU agrees to joint talks on its economic future. He said in a letter sent to 18 European leaders on Thursday (10 April) that “in the event of further violation of the conditions of payment, [Russian firm Gazprom] will completely or partially cease gas deliveries.” 

Exclusive: U.S. Won’t Share Invasion Intel With Ukraine
U.S. intelligence agencies now have detailed information that Russia has amassed the kind of forces needed for a full-scale invasion of Ukraine. But the Obama administration hasn’t shared with Ukraine the imagery, intercepts, and analysis that pinpont the location of the Russian troops ready to seize more Ukrainian land, The Daily Beast has learned. 

Russian military delegation visits Cairo (3rd visit in 2 months)
A 19-member Russian military delegation arrived at Cairo International = Airport on Wednesday morning, making this the third visit of its kind in = less than two months. The delegation will meet with Egyptian military officials, according to an = airport security source who spoke on condition of anonymity. The visits came after Field Marshal Abdel Fattah al-Sisi’s trip to Russia, = which was meant to boost bilateral military relations.

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