Air Force Captain Beaten Up By Police In His OWN Home

A highly-honored Air Force Captain, Nicolas Aquino, is speaking out against how he was treated by his local sheriff’s office, when they tackled him to the ground in his own home, accusing him of being an intruder.  According to police, they arrived at Mr. Aquino’s house after a neighbor reported a burglary suspicion.  The police arrived to Aquino’s front porch and proceeded to ask for identification.

Aquino, confused by the request, asked the police what was going on.  As they continued to ask for identification, Aquino showed it to the police officer, but according to the police officer he did not let him see the ID.  The officer from the sheriff’s department went to place him under arrest, at which point he claims Aquino began resisting.
Aquino maintains that he never resisted and that he responded respectfully to the officer’s requests.  Aquino also says that he never had a weapon, even though the police report shows that the officer almost drew his own weapon when he claims Aquino’s hands were moving towards his waistline, something Aquino contends is just not correct.
Eventually, Aquino proved to the officer in his home that it was in fact his home and that he was not a burglar.  The police officer left, but then weeks later, Aquino had a warrant for his arrest for the charges of obstruction and resisting arrest.

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