Schools To Become Training Ground For Woke Activism

The Civics Trojan Horse – Schools To Become Training Ground For Woke Activism
In the competition for “wokest school system of all,” Illinois just might be the winner. But be warned, parents in the other 49 states, it’s coming for you too. We’ve heard about the outrages in classrooms like California, Wisconsin, and Virginia. But “keep your eye on Illinois,” Stanley Kurtz warns, because that’s “where the woke has gone for broke — and America may soon pay the price.” For five years, liberals have been quietly laying the groundwork for this massive shift in the land of Lincoln. And now, after a half-decade of moving this under America’s noses, they’re ready to blowup whatever common-sense learning standards are left and replace them with a formalized level of extremism no one has ever seen.