Murder of a New Jersey Christian Family

Sher Zieve

Date: January 22, 2005

Perhaps it’s time to take a second look at providing freedom and liberty to those who have come here to destroy us.

Since the initial reports of the ritualistic butchering of the Coptic Christian Armanious family, the mainstream media have been remarkably silent. Barely a whisper, if that, has been murmured over their airwaves, online or in the print media. If there is any real ongoing investigation (in the spirit of fairness I assume there is), next to nothing is being reported.

Shortly after the murders, conflicting reports were disseminated to the public. One account advised that the father Hossam Armanious had his ‘pockets turned inside out’ and money from his wallet had been removed but, jewelry was left in the home. Commenting on this, prosecutor Edward De Fazio said: ‘Whether that was the primary motivation, we don’t know. To think that someone would commit this type of crime for a small amount of money does not make sense.’ Another report stated that both money and jewelry were stolen. However, the stolen jewelry angle was discounted early on by a deacon, Fred Ayed, of the family’s church. Ayed advised, upon the initial discovery of the family’s bodies that the jewelry was still in the Armanious house. Are the other stories of robbery meant to misinform the public and dispel any fears it may feel? If so, this apparent dismissal of reality will only be for a very short period of time.

The truth that Islam has begun its test case for extermination of Christians in the United States will be fully revealed soon enough.

Another truth is that Muslims have persecuted and murdered Egyptian Coptic Christians for centuries; with intensification over the last 10-15 years. Islam is, also, telling the Coptics that no matter where they go, they will be “tracked down” and eliminated; even in the USA. Suffice it to say, this appear to be exactly what happened to the Armanious family. Of particular note are comments made by the Director of the Islamic Center of New Jersey, Ahmed Shedeed: “We Muslims in America are getting sick of this crap. Why should we have to apologize for or make a defense of something we had nothing to do with?” The problem, of course, continues to be that ‘moderate’ Muslims don’t seem to comment much (if at all) about the ongoing beheadings or any of the other grisly murders and genocides (most recently and notably in Sudan) committed by their brethren. Instead, they use the US’ First Amendment’s Free Speech clause to their own advantage, while denying it to others.

Jihad Watch has an additional piece of exclusive information, which may prove to be useful in understanding these recent slayings on our shores. A close friend of Hossam Armanious advised that Hossam was deeply involved with converting Muslims to Christianity. The friend further advised Jihad Watch that it was some of these “converts” who were allowed into the Armanious home, the night of their murder. He, also, said that these individuals were practicing “taqiyya” or religious deception. Their pretense was their conversion, as their purpose was murder. Shortly thereafter, the friend advised, these counterfeit “converts” engaged and indulged themselves in the assassination of the Armanious family.

Instead of the more civilized gauntlet, Islamo-fascists have thrown down the knife and sword to the United States. They have initiated and are implementing another tactic of their overall strategy of worldwide Islamic domination. Be advised that all Muslim countries are theocracies, which allow no freedoms-religious or otherwise. The Muslims in the United States enjoy more liberties than they could ever possess in their homeland countries. Yet, with their consistent lack of any strong condemnation of the Islamo-fascist sects, they appear to be giving their tacit approval.

In the United States of America, we have historically provided safe haven for both the downtrodden of the world and those who have escaped other countries and come to us to express their religious freedoms. Perhaps it’s time to take a second look at providing said freedoms and liberties to those who have come here to destroy us.

WEBCommentary(tm) – Murder of a New Jersey Christian Family [Part 2]

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