Building The Tribulation GESTAPO

Don McGee
Crown & Sickle Ministries

The greatest persecution of Jews during the 20th Century was the Holocaust of Word War II. The German Third Reich developed and employed a tracking, apprehension, incarceration and killing machine that was used against millions of Jews and other undesirables during their “national emergency”. The atrocities committed by the GESTAPO, the SS, the Einsaatzgruppen and other agencies of the state in the name of defense and security are unbelievable. The reality of what happened causes people even today to wonder how civilized people could be so cruel. After the depraved cruelty of the Nazis was clearly laid out in the Nuremberg trials, civilized humanity responded with a firmly intended, “Never again!”. But, it will happen again, the perpetrators will again be civilized people, and a similar machine will be used.

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