US Senate backs ‘Enda’ privileged status for sodomites

US Senate backs ‘Enda’ gay rights bill
A bill banning workplace discrimination against gay and transgender people has passed a critical test of support in the US Senate, 17 years after a similar bill failed by a single vote. The Democratic-led Senate voted 61-30 to open debate on the legislation, with several Republicans backing it. The bill is expected to win final Senate passage as early as this week.

ENDA is yet another federal bill pushing Mandatory Acceptance of Homosexuality via FEDERAL BUREAUCRATIC POWER.

Reality is, hardly anyone is being “fired because they’re gay.” But now many folks are being PUNISHED for opposing immorality.

Reality is, business owners will not be allowed to factor in morality in hiring decisions.

Reality is, day-cares, schools, etc will be forced by the Feds to hire sexual deviants and they will be sued out of business if they attempt to fire someone for practicing sexual immorality.

Reality is, ENDA will be used as a hammer to force churches to hire perverts on staff and muzzle any pastors that speak out against sodomy.

Reality is, Christians are already being oppressed in MANY states w/ STATE/LOCAL “sexual orientation” laws. Now our “representatives” want a federal ENDA law to make it worse?!

Reality is, many do not like the normalization of sodomy being compared to the civil rights movement.   Ken Hutcherson: “Don’t compare your SIN to my SKIN.”

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