Bondage In The United States

Daymond Duck
Most students of Bible prophecy are familiar with the famous Mark of the Beast:
“And he [the False Prophet] causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name” (Revelation 13:16-17).
Those who are watching can see the technology to mark, identify and track people coming on the scene today.
Among other things, the Mark of the Beast is about global bondage or the cancellation of all human rights for the purpose of controlling everyone on earth. It involves two things: 1) The destruction of Christianity to make way for a new world religion or global ethic, and 2) The creation or establishment of a system to make everyone dependent upon government.
As a Christian, I believe God created the human race to worship Him (not a politically approved deity) and to depend upon Him (not a world government). The Scriptures often compare God’s people to sheep that need a Good Shepherd to lead them to food and water, to provide for them, to protect them and even to save them. One Psalmist said, “Know ye that the LORD he is God: it is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture” (Psalm 100:3). And Jesus said a thief would come to steal, kill and destroy the sheep (John 10:10).
As a Christian, I also believe that God established the United States to be a place to give people rights and freedoms including the right and freedom to worship Him and to depend upon Him. When America’s early Colonies declared their freedom from British rule they used the Second Continental Congress to adopt The Declaration of Independence. The second paragraph of that historic document reads, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”
As I see it, the global elite (they usually prefer to be called progressives) are: 1) Trying to destroy America’s dependence upon God (destroy Christianity) by taking prayer out of our schools, the Ten Commandments out of our courthouses, prohibiting Christian displays and speeches on public property, and things like that; and 2) they are trying to replace America’s dependence upon God by making as many people as possible dependent upon government. They are trying to destroy America’s freedom of religion and they are trying to create a system of government benefits to get a hold over people and make them do as they say. We already have more citizens receiving a government benefit of some kind than we have holding a full time job.
Obamacare is really a scheme to expand government control of United States citizens. Increasing the cost of insurance forces those who are barely making a living to look to the government for help. Forcing people who had a 40 hour a week job with insurance into a 30 hour a week job with no insurance decreases their income and forces them to look to the government for help. Forcing businesses to close or leave the country because they can’t afford the cost of Obamacare for their employees throws those employees out of work and forces them to look to the government for a benefit. Adding more IRS employees to monitor the cost of healthcare places more people on the government payroll and increases the number of those who are dependent upon government for a check.
Christians can try to do two things: 1) Counter the globalist effort to break our dependence upon God by becoming more dependent upon God (more prayer, Bible study, worship, etc.), and 2) Counter the globalist effort to make us dependent upon government by trying to become independent (grow food, get out of debt, earn extra income, etc.). I pray that it is not needed, but anything we do to diminish or delay the government’s hold on us before our Lord comes for His church could be helpful.

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