Obama’s Traveling Circus now includes hecklers on script


For Barack Obama’s orchestrated public appearances, first came ‘The Faint’. Now it’s ‘The Heckler’.

Video exists proving that no matter how slick Obama’s act, people do not faint dead away just at the sight of ‘The One’.

The Barack Obama Traveling Circus was on full display in San Francisco at the Betty Ann Ong Chinese Recreation Center yesterday. The event, staged to promote his stalled immigration reform—complete with phony hecklers—took place on the same day it was announced that Obama gave Iran his $6-billion blessing to continue building its nuclear weapon.

“These days, President Obama even gets heckled by his supporters,” according to the New York Post.

But before shouting out “Oorah!” you should consider the convenient propaganda provided Obama by these made-to-order ‘hecklers’.

“A young man standing onstage with Obama at an event in San Francisco disrupted the president’s speech by shouting pro-immigration slogans.” (New York Post, Nov. 25, 2013)

“There are thousands of immigrants deported every day,” yelled the heckler, who was a member of the multi-cultural crowd that the White House had assembled behind the president.”

How convenient for the cunning Obama, who responded within a heartbeat: “That’s exactly what we’re talking about. That’s why we’re here.”

Without interruption of any kind, yet standing within a few feet of Obama, the ‘heckler’ continued on. Or as mainstream media reported it, “continued to beseech the president, giving voice to the growing impatience for action among Obama’s base.”

“Please use your executive order to halt deportation for all 11.5 million undocumented immigrants in this country right now!” he screamed. “You have a power to stop all deportations.”

“Actually I don’t. That’s why we’re here,” Obama replied, facing the heckler.

“Several audience members began chanting: “Stop deportations! Stop deportations!”

“But the unrest quickly settled as Secret Service agents moved in.”

‘Obama, the Sly’ then called off the bodyguards, saying, “Don’t worry about it guys. These guys don’t need to go.”

The White House-arranged ‘crowd’ cheered.

“I understand the passion of these young people, because they feel deeply about the concerns for their families,” Obama said.

The only hecklers Obama understands are the ones he brings with him to promote his agenda. Tea Party patriots, Second Amendment advocates, anti-abortion Christians and supporters of the Constitution are categorized by his government as “racists” whose activities are under complete surveillance by the NSA.

In the cunning world of Obama Marxism on display, it is easy to tell the real hecklers from the phony, White House-arranged ones. Real hecklers, who will be out in full force in 2014 and beyond, chant “USA!” “USA!”

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