Israeli-Palestinian peace talks: Is Kerry offering up US troops?

Israeli-Palestinian peace talks: Is Kerry offering up US troops?
Unconfirmed news reports out of Israel signal that an offer of US troops to secure the borders of a new Palestinian state is in the mix in Israeli-Palestinian peace talks. US defense analysts urge caution. 

War planes hit ‘rocket sites’
ISRAELI war planes carried out a series of strikes in the Gaza Strip yesterday, the defence force said, shortly after a rocket from the Palestinian enclave struck the Jewish state. “In response to rocket fire towards Israel,” the army statement said, its “aircraft targeted a terror infrastructure site in the central Gaza Strip and three concealed rocket launchers in the northern Gaza Strip. Direct hits were confirmed.  
Egypt unrest: 11 deaths at Muslim Brotherhood protests
Eleven people have died in clashes between police and Muslim Brotherhood demonstrators across Egypt, the health ministry says. The Muslim Brotherhood put the death toll at 17. Dozens of people, including police, have been wounded. The deaths were reported in the capital Cairo and the cities of Alexandria, Fayoum and Ismailia. 
McCain meets with Peres in Jerusalem, ‘guardedly optimistic’ about peace talks
John McCain expressed cautious optimism about the peace negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians when he met with President Shimon Peres on Saturday night. 

Up to 7,000 foreign jihadists reportedly fighting in Syrian civil war
There are between 6,000 and 7,000 foreign jihadists fighting in the Syrian civil war, according to a report released Thursday by the Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center in Tel Aviv. The report said that the two main jihadist factions in Syria are the al-Nusra Front (Jabhat al-Nusra), which is a branch of al-Qaeda in Syria under the command of Ayman al-Zawahiri, and its main competitor, the Islamic State in Iraq and Greater Syria. These groups have a combined membership of about 9,000, with an estimated 6,000-7,000 foreign fighters. 

War planes hit ‘rocket sites’
ISRAELI war planes carried out a series of strikes in the Gaza Strip yesterday, the defence force said, shortly after a rocket from the Palestinian enclave struck the Jewish state. “In response to rocket fire towards Israel,” the army statement said, its “aircraft targeted a terror infrastructure site in the central Gaza Strip and three concealed rocket launchers in the northern Gaza Strip. Direct hits were confirmed.  
Egypt unrest: 11 deaths at Muslim Brotherhood protests
Eleven people have died in clashes between police and Muslim Brotherhood demonstrators across Egypt, the health ministry says. The Muslim Brotherhood put the death toll at 17. Dozens of people, including police, have been wounded. The deaths were reported in the capital Cairo and the cities of Alexandria, Fayoum and Ismailia.  
Israeli-Palestinian peace talks: Is Kerry offering up US troops?
Unconfirmed news reports out of Israel signal that an offer of US troops to secure the borders of a new Palestinian state is in the mix in Israeli-Palestinian peace talks. US defense analysts urge caution.

Thwarted Israeli bus blast similar to Boston bombings
The bomb that tore through a Dan No. 240 bus in the central Israeli city of Bat Yam on December 22 was assembled in a pressure cooker and activated by cellphone, much like the devices that killed three people and wounded hundreds more during the Boston Marathon in April 2013, the Shin Bet investigation has revealed.  
Palestinian red lines make chances of US-mediated settlement slim
US Secretary of State John Kerry met on Friday with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas in Ramallah for a talk that lasted several hours. On Saturday morning, Kerry was expected to go back for another round of talks with Abbas and his negotiating team, including chief Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat.  

Beirut IDs leader of al-Qaeda group that hit Iran embassy
DNA tests confirmed that a man in government custody is the alleged leader of an al-Qaeda-linked group that has conducted attacks across the Middle East before shifting its focus to Syria’s civil war, Lebanese authorities said Friday. 

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