How to understand this Impeachment issue
1) Even CBS (below Tweet) knows that the Capitol building was being assaulted before Trump even finished his speech, and the so-called pipe bombs were planted at BOTH the Democrat AND Republican headquarters by the time Trump STARTED his speech.
2) Further, the exact words of President Trump at his speech, were, “We have come to demand that Congress do the right thing and only count the electors who have been lawfully slated. I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voice heard.” Peacefully. Is that the instruction you give to incite an insurrection?
3) If the rabble-rousers who broke into the Capitol building were good, normal Republicans, they would not have put a pipe bomb at the Republican headquarters. This is clear evidence the leaders were “anarchists”. Antifa is not a organization with membership lists, annual dues, and monthly chapter meetings — it’s a bunch of individuals who loosely identify with over-throwing the government. This includes QAnon, whether the QAnon person is registered as a Republican or not.
4) A leader of the group assaulting the Capitol building, the “buffalo man” (Jacob Chansley, 33), was documented in photos leading anarchy at Portland and Arizona riots. Those were certainly not Republican events. He advertises himself as a “shamman” which seeks to control the spirits and demons allegedly found everywhere in nature. At an early age, Jacob rejected his Catholic faith and eventually embraced pagan alternatives. This is anything but a Judea-Christian Republican!
5) The true reason Nancy Pelosi is in such a rush to impeach Trump is more & more bits of information have been coming out about the IT manipulation of the vote counts in the Dominion election computers — and it’s still feasible the election could be overturned by the Supreme Court. But if Trump is officially impeached before the truth comes out, then Trump cannot be President in any scenario.
6) Supporting data: An Italian IT programmer gave sworn testimony in Italian court that he changed votes from Trump to Biden via a network connection. I have read, “An employee of the 8th largest global defense contractor, Leonardo SpA, provided a deposition detailing his role in the most elaborate criminal act affecting a US election…using Leonardo computer systems located in Pescara, Italy, and military satellites.” Further, I have read that “This (organization) Leonardo has William J. Lynn III as the CEO. William Lynn previously served under the Obama/Biden administration as Deputy Secretary of Defense and led the Department’s efforts in cyber security.”
7) I have read that Barak Obama was responsible for channeling millions of dollars to Leonardo to finance this election theft. It all sounds like conspiracy theory, except it may be completely true.
Evidence: Published on December 1st, 2020 in the Italian national newspaper, La Verita, the piece is titled “Trump’s lawyers have no doubts: An Italian hand in pro Biden fraud” (article photo below).
The article outlines the alleged operation executed in Rome in complicity with the Italian defense-contractor, Leonardo. But you will never hear this on CNN, MSN, and the rest of the liberal mainstream news.
Only time will tell if all of this is true, but there has never been a better time to stand up for Republican values like right now.