Vote NO and OPPOSE H.R.1 – For the People Act of 2021


I urge you to OPPOSE and vote NO on H.R.1 – For the People Act of 2021 or any similar bills that further erode election integrity.

The integrity of our election system is already in jeopardy due to a lack of chain of custody, transparency, and verifiability. It was a lack of transparency and verifiability that has brought about so many questions about election integrity and fueled the anger and unrest that we are seeing today among those who have been disenfranchised and had their voices suppressed.

H.R.1 – For the People Act of 2021 doubles down on creating even more lack of confidence in the election system by opening the doors to even more fraud and criminal tampering with votes.

This act would entrench corrupt politicians, making it impossible for the people to ever vote them out. These politicians would then never need to listen to their constituents as they would never fear being held accountable by them. HR1 would destroy the ability of the people to determine who and how they are represented, and thereby destroy our constitutional republic.

Additionally, the US Constitution clearly designates the state legislature as the only ones with authority over how elections are carried out in the states.

Instead of dictating how elections should be run in the several states, the US Congress should outline a proper procedure for how the election results can be challenged and expected criteria and forensic auditing by which the election can be verified.

Thank you and God bless you as you continue to stand for what is right