10-Year-Olds Suspended From UK School After Teachers Accuse Children of ‘Homophobic Remarks’

If it were parents that complained, then the authorities would cry “children’s rights”, however when children seeks to exercise their rights they get slammed by the system for deviation from the program.

Two 10-year-old children in the United Kingdom were reprimanded and suspended for five days over allegations that they had made “homophobic remarks” after expressing reluctance to participate in a lesson normalizing sodomy.

“Sir, please, may I not take part in this lesson?” a boy named Farrell asked, according to a press release from the organization. The teacher advised that the lesson was a part of the curriculum and opting out was therefore not possible.

Full article: https://christiannews.net/2019/07/06/10-year-olds-suspended-from-uk-school-after-teachers-accuse-children-of-homophobic-remarks/

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