Transactivism Invades The School System

We should not teach our children to affirm mental or psychological disorders, and there is no verifiable scientific evidence that the boy in question is a girl. Why, then, should these parents teach their son to affirm that which is not true or real?

Let’s not forget that the vast majority of children who identify as transgender no longer do so after puberty. And there are psychologists who believe that we do these children a disservice by affirming their transgender identity.

Consider this recent case which is getting widespread attention.

As reported in the Daily Wire, “With guidance from medical professionals and his own mother, a 12-year-old Australian boy suffering from gender confusion began to transition into a ‘female.’ Just two years later, the young man told his mom he felt like his born sex again, and is now in the painful process of transitioning back, which includes surgery.”

Some would argue that the doctors who helped this young boy “transition” to female were guilty of medical malpractice, if not outright child abuse, however well-intentioned they might have been.

Yet in today’s upside-down world, the schools (and all students) would be expected to embrace this boy as a boy, then as a girl, then as a boy again – based entirely on how he felt and identified at any given moment. And woe be to the teacher or parent or student who protests. One dare not be branded a transphobe.
Lest you think I’m exaggerating, remember that just last month, “A first grader at a California charter school was sent to the principal’s office this week after she accidentally ‘misgendered’ a classmate in what’s being called a ‘pronoun mishap.'”

A first grader!

We’re talking about six-year-olds again – precious, little, impressionable, innocent children – who are being punished for their failure to embrace transactivism. 

This must stop, and it must stop now, which means that parents, educators, and legislators must act to protect these little ones, regardless of professional cost or consequence. Do we really have a choice?

And remember: Kids in nursery school and up are being indoctrinated with the standard LGBT talking points. Why should we surprised when they grow up so confused?

If enough people of conscience speak up and act up, change will come. And rather than simply affirm the struggles of these equally precious, gender confused children, let’s redouble our efforts to get to the root of their struggles, helping them find wholeness from the inside out.

And just how far will this radical LGBT activism go if we don’t stand up to it? How about drag queens reading to our two-year-olds in libraries? Should we applaud this too?

Or how about a scantily clad drag queen dancing in front of school children at a gay pride event in Canada? Perhaps we should celebrate this too?

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