Clinton Tied To PR Firm Behind Electoral College Push

White House, Clinton Tied To PR Firm Behind Electoral College Push
The public relations firm working behind the scenes with the faithless electors is rife with ties to prominent Democrats like President Obama and twice-failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.  

Anti-Trump Elector Chris Suprun Paid For Ashley Madison While Bankrupt And Married With 3 Kids
Anti-Trump Texas faithless elector Stephen Christopher “Chris” Suprun, who wrote a widely-shared op-ed in The New York Times about his decision, in which he claimed ideological superiority over Trump, which would prevent him from voting for the President-elect on December 19 as he is required, joined and paid for cheating website Ashley Madison in 2012, using the same address registered to his 9/11 charity, while bankrupt, likely unemployed, and married with three young kids, after he and his working wife owed over $200,000 to multiple creditors — and that’s just the start of it.  

The 3 Stage Plot to Assassinate Trump: Thirty Three Days to Armageddon
I have delayed writing this article for the past four days. It is not that I don’t believe in the analysis that I am going to offer in this article, I wholeheartedly do. My hesitation stems from the fact that if the globalists are successful in pulling off the following plot, America is headed for the darkest days in her history. This will mark the end of America and for most us, our lives will be turned upside down.  

Hillary pleads to dismiss Benghazi lawsuit
The plaintiffs are arguing the case should to go trial because she doesn’t deserve special treatment as a member of the “political elite.” Clinton narrowly averted a default judgment in the case earlier when a judge adopted claims that she wasn’t properly served.  

EXCLUSIVE: FBI New York Field Office Told To Continue Clinton Foundation Probe
Officials at FBI headquarters instructed its New York field office to continue its corruption investigation into the Clinton Foundation following the election of Republican candidate Donald Trump, according to a former senior law enforcement official. The instructions ordered agents to “go forward” with their ongoing inquiry into the Clinton Foundation which is focusing on issues of corruption and money laundering, according to the source. 

Ex-British ambassador who is now a WikiLeaks operative claims Russia did NOT provide Clinton emails
A Wikileaks envoy today claims he personally received Clinton campaign emails in Washington D.C. after they were leaked by ‘disgusted’ whisteblowers – and not hacked by Russia. Craig Murray, former British ambassador to Uzbekistan and a close associate of …Julian Assange, told that he flew to Washington, D.C. for a clandestine hand-off with one of the email sources in September. 

FBI Disagrees With CIA On Russian Influence In The Presidential Election
A senior FBI counterintelligence official met with Republican and Democrat members of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence in order to give the bureau’s view of a recent CIA report. The official did not concur with the CIA, frustrating Democrats.  
Claims of Russia’s Involvement in Cyberattacks Groundless – Kremlin
Last week, media reports emerged citing the US Central Intelligence Agency accusing Russia of interfering in the US elections in November to help Donald Trump, who won the vote, secure victory. 
Trump: Claims of Russian interference in 2016 race ‘ridiculous,’ Dems making excuses
President-elect Donald Trump, in an exclusive interview with “Fox News Sunday,” decried as “ridiculous” the CIA’s reported assessment that Russia intervened in the election to boost his candidacy – describing the claim as another “excuse” pushed by Democrats to explain his upset victory. 
Lets Give FBI Director Comey A Little Credit – He Refused To Co-Author CIA Speculative Report On Russian Interference Into 2016 Election – Why Not?
FBI Director Comey deserves some credit for refusing to put the name of the FBI on a CIA speculative report which had no “evidence” to back it up. It was done entirely to help Hillary Clinton win the Election. Lets step back in time to go over a few facts:  
FBI: “No Evidence of Russian Interference in Election”
James Comey assured the president-elect there was no credible evidence that Russia influenced the outcome of the recent U.S. presidential election…Comey told Trump that James Clapper, the director of National Intelligence, agreed with this FBI assessment. The only member of the U.S. intelligence community who was ready to assert that the Russians sanctioned the hacking was John Brennan, the director of the CIA, “And Brennan takes his marching orders from…Obama.  
Intel panel nixes briefing on alleged Russian interference in US election after resistance
The House Intelligence Committee abruptly canceled a briefing set for Thursday on alleged Russian interference in the U.S. election, after the CIA declined to provide a briefer for the session, Fox News is told…lawmakers, on both sides of the aisle, have backed calls for a separate congressional investigation, voicing concern that Obama’s intelligence agencies might not be able to conduct a thorough review before he leaves office.  

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