Army to force out 550 majors; some in Afghanistan WASHINGTON — About 550 Army majors, including some serving in Afghanistan, will soon be told they have to leave the service by next spring as part of a budget-driven downsizing of the service. Gen. John Campbell, the vice chief of the Army, acknowledged Friday that telling
Key to aging immune system: Discovery of DNA replication problem “We have found the cellular mechanism responsible for the inability of blood-forming cells to maintain blood production over time in an old organism, and have identified molecular defects that could be restored for rejuvenation therapies,”
Gallup: ‘God Gap’ Persists; Very Religious Are Mostly Republican; Non-Religious Are Mostly DemocratThe so-called “God Gap” between Republicans and Democrats continues to play an important role in partisan differences, according to a new Gallup poll. Among very religious Americans, about half, 49 percent, identify as Republican or are likely to vote Republican. Among nonreligious Americans,
Russia enacts ‘draconian’ law for bloggers and online mediaA new law imposing restrictions on users of social media has come into effect in Russia. It means bloggers with more than 3,000 daily readers must register with the mass media regulator, Roskomnadzor, and conform to the regulations that govern the country’s larger media outlets. Internet companies
CDC chief: Ebola ‘could arrive in the U.S.’ Virus ‘definitely not under control’ as agency issues alert. He said the CDC, consequently, has issued a nationwide health alert to health-care providers in the U.S., with instructions to isolate anyone suspected of being infected. Ebola crisis: Infected aid worker heads to USA hospital in Atlanta is