Army to force out 550 majors, 1,200 captians

Army to force out 550 majors; some in Afghanistan

WASHINGTON — About 550 Army majors, including some serving in Afghanistan, will soon be told they have to leave the service by next spring as part of a budget-driven downsizing of the service.
Gen. John Campbell, the vice chief of the Army, acknowledged Friday that telling troops in a war zone that they’re out of a job is a difficult task. But he said some of the soldiers could join the National Guard or the Army Reserve.
The decision to cut Army majors comes on the heels of a move to slash nearly 1,200 captains from the ranks. Army leaders were criticized at the time for giving 48 of them the bad news while they were deployed to Afghanistan.
They’ve done this before, drive out all of the experienced and seasoned veterans of the “old gaurd”, and replace them with young skulls full of mush who will blindly cooperate with The Party politik.

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