Full Spectrum Chaos

Quick list of activations:

1. Libya, Benghazi, and weapons transfer to fake Syrian rebels (ISIS)
was devised by the POTUS admin 4 years ago to build a well-armed army to
stab Israel in the back. Billions of $$$ in American weapons were
ordered to be left intact in northern Iraq by the Pentagon to allow ISIS
to pick them up. Also, as you know, POTUS already sent Stingers and
stronger to ISIS just a couple of weeks ago. The main reason Obama and
NATO bombed Libya and then started a war in Syria was to secretly arm
and fund a Muslim army to attack Israel. This is the breaking of the
“Unbreakable Alliance” that Obama and Israel confirmed when Obama
visited Israel in March 2013.

2. CIA, CDC, and WHO infected children in Central America through
vaccination programs with several strains of anitbiotic and vaccine
resistant pandemic-grade biological agents and are now allowing this
silent weapon into the US and transporting them all over the country for
the multi-pandemic false flag event. The multi-pandemic op mode was
chosen because it is actually quite difficult to get one biological
agent to reach pandemic levels and the multiple agents will add to the
overwhelming and confusion of the healthcare emergency response
infrastructure. They used children as the carriers!!

3. Most of the police and SWAT involved in all these brutal incidents on
Americans the last couple of years are part of the super-soldier
program. That is why there is no restraint by these police officers.
Emotions and empathy have been designed, bred, and cloned out of them.
They are the first trials of the already formed secret US hybrid army
and are on standby NOW.

4. This is already known and talked about by you and others. POTUS admin
started and is continuing to inflame the Ukraine civil war in order to
put a hook in Russia’s mouth and drag her into a war with NATO. This is
part of the info of the Snowden Files that Cryptome will be releasing to
try and stop this war. Also included is NSA data that implicates the US
Govt. in 911. Greenwald’s life has been threatened by POTUS over this.
Greenwald is being handled, but he doesn’t stay on the reservation. It
was always planned, since before 911, by the powers to eventually let
the info out about the US Govt. doing 911 as part of the killshot for
America. This WORLD WAR 3 including the ongoing Middle East War is the
False Armageddon that will be the cover and excuse for the planned
economic collapse and ushering in of Antichrist – that was planned by
Albert Pike and the Illuminati back in the 1870s. The powers have been
following that outline to the letter ever since.

5. The foreign troops already in the US will administer the justice upon
the US Govt. and will be used as the “peacekeeping” stabilization force
to quell the American chaos generated from their government being
takedown by the UN and IMF for crimes against humanity in Afghanistan,
Iraq, and the dozens of other countries the US Govt has continually
bombed since 911. The powers decided to put on a show for the public by
having US troops put up a token resistance against the UN/NATO force but
that will be to add to the confusion that is about to beset America.
Most military regiments are already commanded by hybrid officers and
will meld with occupying UN/NATO forces to attack American militias and
resistance groups during gun confiscation and population re-locaton

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