Immigrant flood ‘orchestrated’ to bring about economic collapse and anarchy
Never let a manufactured crisis go to waste.
This crisis has been planned, orchestrated, and facilitated over the course of the last decade by a series of changes to laws, executive directives, direction of public opinion, and strategic placement of key personnel in law enforcement and the judiciary.
All this has been done to create a perfect storm to collapse the economy and generate chaos and anarchy to the point that the sheeple will happily give up anything and everything in their pleading with the government to do something to restore ‘normalcy’.
The influx of hungry unemployed criminals will drive up violent crime rates to never before dreamed of levels, while the influx of hungry women and children will bankrupt our welfare state.
Criminal aliens are even being recruited into military and law enforcement service, which is convenient because they will have no qualms about orders to fire on American citizens…
Research it! REX 84 contingency plan was based on a scenario where a massive influx of illegal immigrants resulted in declaration of an emergency situation, suspension of the constitution and implementation of martial law and the rounding up of people into FEMA camps. This plan dates back to 1984 and was first made public in 1987.
Ex-border agents: Immigrant flood ‘orchestrated’
Ex-border agents: Immigrant flood ‘orchestrated’
An organization of former Border Patrol agents…charged that the federal government, under the administration of President Obama, is deliberately arranging for a flood of immigrant children to arrive in America… “This is not a humanitarian crisis. It is a predictable, orchestrated and contrived assault…by her political leaders that…puts minor illegal alien children at risk for purely political purposes…Taxpayer money used to market and advertise U.S. Food stamps and welfare programs in Mexico inviting influx of illegal aliens FLYER: WE DON’T CHECK IMMIGRATION STATUS FOR FOOD STAMPS
The United States government (funded by YOU the taxpayer) is advising Spanish-speaking residents that they need not declare their immigration status to qualify for food stamps. Judicial Watch obtained the Spanish-language flyers through a Freedom of Information Act request and announced on Thursday that the “promotion of the food stamp program, now known as ‘SNAP’ (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program), includes a Spanish-language flyer provided to the Mexican Embassy by the USDA. A statement on the flyer—emphasized in bold and underlined—reads, “You need not divulge information regarding your immigration status in seeking this benefit for your children.”
The Defense Department said Monday it is looking at expanding its application pool by letting some young illegal immigrants join the military, in what could be another tool for an administration seeking unilateral steps to take on immigration reform.
As if Russian and Chinese military on our soil wasn’t enough of a foreign occupation army….
While homeless vets wander the streets, Obama administration uses Lackland Air Force Base to shelter illegal aliens. The Department of Health and Human Services is using the Hackney Training Complex on Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio, Texas to house nearly 2,000 minors who entered the country illegally, costing American taxpayers over $250 per child daily.
The administration quietly redistributes illegal aliens through military bases. Two planeloads of illegal aliens were recently shipped to Massachusetts. The first reportedly landed at Hanscom Air Force Base in Bedford. According to my tipster, approximately 160 illegal immigrants arrived on that flight and stayed nearly a week before being transferred to a Department of Homeland Security (DHS) site and then released
Administration political appointees in the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) have been recruiting and appointing many pro-amnesty lawyers in key management positions throughout DHS. The goal of the administration in placing those pro-amnesty lawyers throughout DHS was to dismantle the deporting infrastructure it took 12 years for the US government to create. Those pro-amnesty lawyers have been preventing ICE Agents, Border Patrol Agents, and CBP Inspectors from enforcing the Federal Immigration Laws they were sworn to uphold. Those pro-amnesty attorneys have instructed ICE Agents to “walk away” from hundreds of thousands of cases that should be prosecuted. They eventually directed ICE Agents to release 68,000 “Criminal Illegal Immigrants” into the general public, thus completing the corruption of that once proud Federal Law Enforcement Agency. The “Criminal Illegal Immigrants” were not in jail because of driving infractions—-they were felons who had been tried and convicted in Federal and Superior Courts because of serious criminal infractions, or had been convicted of very serious misdemeanors. Traffic violations like driving under the influence of alcohol or even vehicular manslaughter do not count toward ICE’s description of “Criminal Illegal Immigrant.” What we have is an Administration that is creating a de facto amnesty and encouraging more Illegal Immigrants to illegally enter the United States, granting employment authorization to “DREAMERS” and other illegal aliens, all the while American workers continue to struggle to find employment.
An organization of former Border Patrol agents…charged that the federal government, under the administration of President Obama, is deliberately arranging for a flood of immigrant children to arrive in America… “This is not a humanitarian crisis. It is a predictable, orchestrated and contrived assault…by her political leaders that…puts minor illegal alien children at risk for purely political purposes…
Taxpayer money used to market and advertise U.S. Food stamps and welfare programs in Mexico inviting influx of illegal aliens
ICE Is Facilitating Human Smuggling and Child Trafficking
There are now thousands of undocumented immigrants from Central America, primarily Mexico, who have been transported from Texas and then subsequently released at Greyhound bus stations in Tucson and Phoenix over the past several weeks after they were flown to Arizona, at taxpayers expense, from south Texas.
Adame further reported that the migrants were flown to Arizona because “ICE does not have enough manpower to handle a surge in illegal immigrants in south Texas” and, “ICE officials say that the immigrants are released as long as they can provide an address for their destination with family or friends, no matter their legal status.” I guess ICE considers the local Greyhound bus depot is to be considered to be a valid address.
Cyndi Whitmore, a volunteer with the Phoenix Restoration Project, an advocacy group that has been going to the bus terminal in Phoenix to help and she stated that “It’s not safe health wise and we are concerned for their physical safety”. Whitmore traveled to the Greyhound station on Buckeye Road, in Phoenix and found approximately 50 women and young children who had just been released by ICE and she said that ICE gave these human beings no water, food or diapers and formula for the babies. The youngest children were as young as six months old.
Women and children were being dumped at Greyhound bus terminals and other public transportation areas in 110 degree heat without resources. ICE is directly and indirectly facilitating illegal entry into the country and forcing undocumented immigrants, mostly juvenile females, into the professions of drug running and prostitution, through the conditions that ICE is fostering.
In Phoenix, we have a large Mexican drug cartel presence and sex trafficking of children is huge as immigrant, juvenile females constitute most of our street prostitutes in Phoenix. It is difficult for me to write these words, but ICE is, in one way or another, in league with human traffickers and drug deals through their neglect and the subsequent violations of individual human rights.
Petition launched in attempt to get administration to acknowledge ‘state of emergency’
A US Border Patrol agent stationed in South Texas has reached out to Infowars in a desperate plea for help, stating more than half of immigrants crossing the border end up doing so successfully and that many of those are the most criminal types.
Some of us tried to warn that this would happen. When you create incentives for people to come to the United States illegally, of course that is exactly what they are going to do. In recent months, many political observers have breathlessly been watching to see if “amnesty” for illegal immigrants will get through Congress. But as you will see below, the truth is that there is already created a de facto policy of amnesty for most illegal immigrants, and word about it has spread quickly throughout Mexico, central America and South America. If you are an illegal immigrant living in America and you haven’t been convicted of a crime, you are probably going to get to stay. And if you would like to illegally immigrate to the United States, if you get blocked from entering a few times it is not that big of a deal. You just keep trying until you finally get in. And once you are successful, there are a whole host of “goodies” that you can sign up for – especially if you go to one of the “sanctuary cities” that the administration steadfastly refuses to crack down on. In fact, the federal government actually has a website that instructs immigrants how to sign up for welfare programs once they arrive in the United States, and the administration has actually distributed flyers that inform illegal immigrants that their immigration status will not be checked when they apply for food stamps. So we shouldn’t be surprised at the massive influx of illegal immigrants that we are experiencing right now. This is a problem of our own creation.
HOUSTON, Texas –A tidal wave of illegal immigrants along the U.S.-Mexico border has caused federal housing and processing facilities to become overwhelmed and overcrowded. As a result, officials have resorted to a makeshift housing center in Nogales, Arizona, especially for the surge of thousands of children who were part of the influx. They are being transported there via plane. Many of the minors at one facility — which only opened on Friday — are reportedly being sickened by the food — and throwing the food in the trash.
Influx of Illegal Alien Minors a Disaster; Overcrowded Shelters, Diseases, Sexually Active Teens
The barrage of illegal immigrant minors entering the U.S. through Mexico in recent weeks has created an out-of-control disaster with jam-packed holding centers, rampant diseases and sexually active teenagers at a Nogales facility, according to information obtained by Judicial Watch from a Homeland Security source.
The Obama administration blames the sudden influx on persistent violence in Central America, but a veteran Border Patrol agent who heads the agency’s Tucson sector union, says rumors of amnesty are responsible for the unforeseen bombardment. When agents ask the illegal border crossers what drove them, “we are hearing a lot of amnistía (amnesty),” said Art Del Cueto, the Tucson Border Patrol Union president. There are almost 1,000 minors at the Nogales facility, according to Del Cueto.
Illegal immigration becoming a ‘humanitarian crisis’ on border
The administration was poised again to take executive action in an election year to ease deportations of undocumented immigrants. In recent weeks, a tide of young, unaccompanied minors crossing the Texas border illegally has pushed the US immigration system to its breaking point..
Vice President Joseph R. Biden told a National Association of Manufacturers’ crowd this week that what the United States needed was more, not fewer, immigrants.
Specifically, he called for a “constant, unrelenting stream” of new immigrants — “not dribbling [but] significant flows,” to bolster {translated: bankrupt} the national economy, The Hill reported.
Then President reminded Democratic donors that “our future rests” on the success of people brought to the United States illegally as children. “About 30 to 40 percent of the kids in this school, by the way, are DREAM kids,” Obama said Wednesday evening. “You wouldn’t know it looking at them, because they are as American as apple pie. But every single one of these kids, you might not be able to tell the difference, but a whole bunch of them — they’re worried about whether or not they’re going to be able to finance their college education of their immigrant status. They’re worried about whether, in fact, this country that they love so deeply loves them back and understands that our future rests on their success. Why wouldn’t we want to give them that certainty that you are part of the fabric of this nation, we’re counting on you, and we’re going to make sure you succeed? Why wouldn’t we want to do that?”
Yes indeed, the future planned destruction of the economy and America as we once knew it depends on a constant influx of government dependant criminal aliens…
The World Bank is boldly proclaiming that extreme food shortages and subsequent food riots will take place in the near future largely due to the rapid increase in food prices.
In their recent report, only released a few days ago, the World Bank cites the disturbing fact that there have been 51 food riots in 37 countries in recent memory due to high food prices and the further escalation of food prices has no end in sight. The World Bank further speculates that the present state of food prices could lead to political instability and this is the kind of stuff that wars are made of. And what is the number one cause of rising food prices according to the World Bank? It is the increasing demand for food from a growing population inside of China. The future military implications should be self-evident.
Food crisis contributing to economic collapse and civil anxiety
Government money given to the banks is being use to speculate in food derivitaves, thereby driving up the price of food around the globe. We are not necessarily noticing it because the food packages are staying the same size, they are just putting smaller amounts in so that the 18 oz package is now 16 oz without being noticed.
Over 47 million people in the U.S. on food stamps.
Now with a sudden influx of thousands of illegal aliens, primarily young women and children, the welfare coffers will be drained and those dependent on the government will turn out to the streets to loot and riot.Do we have perhaps 15-18 months before an economic collapse?
HOUSTON, Texas –A tidal wave of illegal immigrants along the U.S.-Mexico border has caused federal housing and processing facilities to become overwhelmed and overcrowded. As a result, officials have resorted to a makeshift housing center in Nogales, Arizona, especially for the surge of thousands of children who were part of the influx. They are being transported there via plane. Many of the minors at one facility — which only opened on Friday — are reportedly being sickened by the food — and throwing the food in the trash.
Influx of Illegal Alien Minors a Disaster; Overcrowded Shelters, Diseases, Sexually Active Teens
The barrage of illegal immigrant minors entering the U.S. through Mexico in recent weeks has created an out-of-control disaster with jam-packed holding centers, rampant diseases and sexually active teenagers at a Nogales facility, according to information obtained by Judicial Watch from a Homeland Security source.
The Obama administration blames the sudden influx on persistent violence in Central America, but a veteran Border Patrol agent who heads the agency’s Tucson sector union, says rumors of amnesty are responsible for the unforeseen bombardment. When agents ask the illegal border crossers what drove them, “we are hearing a lot of amnistía (amnesty),” said Art Del Cueto, the Tucson Border Patrol Union president. There are almost 1,000 minors at the Nogales facility, according to Del Cueto.
The administration was poised again to take executive action in an election year to ease deportations of undocumented immigrants. In recent weeks, a tide of young, unaccompanied minors crossing the Texas border illegally has pushed the US immigration system to its breaking point..
We are not necessarily noticing it because the food packages are staying the same size, they are just putting smaller amounts in so that the 18 oz package is now 16 oz without being noticed.
Over 47 million people in the U.S. on food stamps.
Now with a sudden influx of thousands of illegal aliens, primarily young women and children, the welfare coffers will be drained and those dependent on the government will turn out to the streets to loot and riot.Do we have perhaps 15-18 months before an economic collapse?