Obama State Department Following Shariah Law Over U.S. Law in Denying Meriam’s Kids’ Citizenship?

Obama State Department Following Shariah Law Over U.S. Law in Denying Meriam’s Kids’ Citizenship?
The Obama Administration’s State Department has been dragging its heels, refusing to acknowledge that the children of the woman on death row in Sudan for her Christian faith are U.S. citizens. It is a basic principle of American law that the child of a U.S. citizen is a U.S. citizen. As long as at least one parent is a citizen (and meets basic residency requirements which don’t appear to be at issue here) when that child is born, under U.S. law, the child is also a citizen.

Unanimous Senate Tells Sudan: Immediately Release Meriam and Her Children
In an act of unmitigated bipartisanship, all Republicans and all Democrats in the U.S. Senate joined together on Tuesday evening to unanimously approve a resolution demanding the “immediate and unconditional release” of Meriam Ibrahim and her two children from the Sudanese prison where they are being held because Meriam refuses to renounce her Christian faith.

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