Month: May 2014

Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership

The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP; also known as the Transatlantic Free Trade Area, abbreviated as TAFTA) is a proposed free trade agreement between the European Union and the United States. Proponents say the agreement would result in multilateral economic growth,[2]while critics say it would increase corporate power and make it more difficult for governments to regulate markets for public benefit.[3] The U.S.


HONEY: THE SOLUTION FOR ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANT “SUPER BUGS?” Antibiotic resistance is a true crisis, one that is growing and is even recognized by the federal government as a near-future crisis. An over-dependence on antibiotics and the sanitization of everything has helped bacterial evolve into unstoppable “super bugs”, or those that are capable of resisting conventional

Quaker beliefs and practices

RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OF FRIENDS (QUAKERS)Quaker beliefs and practicesBeliefs:As with all large denominations, individual Quakers are religiously diverse. Their beliefs range from Evangelical (conservative) to liberal. The following beliefs are common to most Quakers:Friends believe that there exists element of God’s spirit in every human soul. Thus all persons have inherent worth, independent of their gender,

Quakers – Are They Christians?

Quakers – Are They Christians? By: K. B. Napier Some readers will say “What a stupid question! Of course Quakers are Christians!” Almost all Believers will say this. But is it true? To put it bluntly, it does not really matter what your opinion is on the issue. Come to that, it does not matter whatmy opinion is, either! In fact, the same

Kaboom! State Dept. finally gives explosive answer

Kaboom! State Dept. finally gives explosive answerA series of WND articles recently exposed the purchase and international transport of many hundreds of pounds of plastic, sheet and linear explosives along with thousands of containers of high-energy liquid explosives.  

President Blair? Is he the best hope for faltering EU project?

President Blair? Is he the best hope for faltering EU project? Could Tony Blair be pushing himself forward to become the next President of the European Union? The question has been raised after a Radio 4 Today programme interview which sounded like an application for the job. While David Cameron hits the phone to Angela

White House Blunder Puts Whole CIA Unit in PerilThe accidental disclosure of the identity of the top CIA agent in Afghanistan by the Obama administration could affect operations in that country — even target the entire unit for assassination by the Taliban, political operatives said Monday. Funny how nothing that Snowden or Manning disclosed had