Is Netanyahu Complicit with Skull & Bones’ Plan to transfer David’s Tomb to the Vatican?

Is Netanyahu Complicit with Skull & Bones’ Plan to transfer David’s Tomb to the Vatican?
Despite earlier denials (from February), persistent rumors have surfaced again that the Israeli PM Netanyahu is willing to go along with the Skull & Bones plan we reported back in December to illegally transfer parts of the Israeli capital city Jerusalem to the Vatican (which has invested large sums of money in purchasing real estate assets in the city in the recent years) thereby promoting the Vatican faction of the globalist agenda to “internationalize” the city – hence their support for the “2 state [final] solution”. It has nothing to do with the artificially spawned “Palestinian self determination” mythology. That was always just an excuse. 

Israel Wants To Give Mount Zion And The Tomb Of David To The Vatican?
One member of the Knesset has publicly stated that Chief Sephardic Rabbi Yitzchak Yosef has informed him that Netanyahu has formally asked for halakhic permission to give the Tomb of David to the Roman Catholic Church. And there have been persistent rumors of secret negotiations between the Israeli government and the Vatican regarding Mount Zion and the Tomb of David. 

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