Report: EPA tested deadly pollutants on humans to push Obama admin’s agenda The Environmental Protection Agency has been conducting dangerous experiments on humans over the past few years in order to justify more onerous clean air regulations. The agency conducted tests on people with health issues and the elderly, exposing them to high levels of
Rebuked for Praying at School, Parents Call ‘Religious Discrimination’ A 5-year-old girl in Florida was rebuked by a lunchroom worker for praying in her elementary school cafeteria before her meal reports Charisma News. The incident occurred last month; now Marcos Perez, the father’s child has hired lawyers to demand that the school stop “engaging in
Malaysian Airline Flight 370: Disappearance of Boeing 777 Made Illuminati Member Jacob Rothschild Sole Owner of Major Semiconductor Patent One more question mark is added to the muddled equation is a report that four members of a patent semiconductor were in the jet, leaving the fifth co-owner of the patent the sole owner now. And
Christian sentenced to death for blasphemy in Pakistan A Christian man has been sentenced to death for blasphemy in Pakistan, according to his lawyer, following an incident last year that prompted a Muslim mob to torch hundreds of homes. It is the latest in a string of convictions prompting calls from religious minorities for the
Humans will be kept between life and death in the first suspended animation trialsAt a hospital in Pittsburgh, surgeons are now allowed to place patients into a state of suspended animation. If a patient arrives with a traumatic injury, and attempts to restart their heart have failed — if they’re on the doorstep of death
Yellowstone Volcano Eruption in 2014? Are Animals Fleeing Park As ‘An Alert’? A number of bloggers are posting videos that show bison and other animals allegedly leaving Yellowstone National Park, prompting theories that as earthquakes ramp up the seismic activity will set off the Yellowstone supervolcano. …Tom Lupshu…survivalist and search-and-rescue expert,” said…nearly one quarter of
3,800-year-old biblical fortress discovered in City of DavidAfter a 15-year-long excavation defined as one of the the most complex ever conducted in Israel, archaeologists have finished uncovering a massive Canaanite fortress dating back to the time of Kings David and Solomon. The 3,800-year-old “Spring Citadel” was excavated in the City of David National Park by
Ukraine crisis: Poland asks Nato to station 10,000 troops on its territory Poland asked Nato to station 10,000 troops on its territory on Tuesday as a visible demonstration of the Alliance’s resolve to defend all its members after Russia’s seizure of Crimea. Nato foreign ministers met in Brussels to consider requests for soldiers to be
Apocalyptic prophecies drive both sides to Syrian battle for end of timeConflict in Syria kills hundreds of thousands of people and spreads unrest across the Middle East. Iranian forces battle anti-Shi’ite fighters in Damascus, and the region braces for an ultimate showdown. If the scenario sounds familiar to an anxious world watching Syria’s devastating civil
U.S. Government Keeps Death Ray Under Wraps?A criminal case in Albany, New York may soon have a layer of secrecy as the trial of Glendon Scott Crawford, the inventor of a purported mobile X-ray weapon intended to harm religious minorities, begins to move forward. Using undercover agents, the FBI interacted with Crawford and mounted a