Eric Holder’s Hissy Fits

Eric Holder’s Hissy Fits
What kind of treatment did Holder have to endure? He was confronted by the truth, something which has the same effect upon members of the Obama regime as Holy Water has on vampires. Testifying before a oversight hearing of the House Judiciary Committee, Holder was pressed by Representative Sensenbrenner on why Justice hadn’t moved forward with perjury charges against Director of National Intelligence James Clapper

Congress Should Impeach Holder if He Takes No Action on IRS Scandal
On the day the House Oversight Committee held Lois Lerner in contempt, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) said Congress should impeach Attorney General Eric Holder if he does not indict those like Lerner for their roles in the IRS’s targeting of conservative groups. 

Nancy Pelosi’s secret hand in IRS stonewall
Cummings, in addition, has accused one of the groups targeted by the IRS, Catherine Engelbrecht’s True the Vote, of being racist. In short, he’s provided plenty of vitriol to create headwinds for the GOP-led committee trying to investigate government wrongdoing. But that was the job he reportedly was placed there to do by House Minority Leader Rep. Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif.

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