EPA tested deadly pollutants on humans to push Obama admin’s agenda

Report: EPA tested deadly pollutants on humans to push Obama admin’s agenda
The Environmental Protection Agency has been conducting dangerous experiments on humans over the past few years in order to justify more onerous clean air regulations. The agency conducted tests on people with health issues and the elderly, exposing them to high levels of potentially lethal pollutants, without disclosing the risks of cancer and death, according to a newly released government report.

Ebola spreads panic in West Africa
The rising death toll in West Africa’s Ebola outbreak has sparked fear across the region with at least 80 already having died from the nearly always fatal virus. 

Half of European bumblebees in decline, quarter face extinction – study
As much as 46 percent of the 68 bumblebee species living in Europe have a declining population and just 13 percent are increasing in numbers, the study shows. According to IUCN, 24 percent of those species are “threatened with extinction.”

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