Us Imposes Travel Sanctions…Against Israelis

One Week After Russia’s Crimean Invasion, Us Imposes Travel Sanctions…Against Israelis
At the same time the US State Department is relaxing entry requirements to visa applicants with Islamist terrorist connections, and reassuring President Putin of Russia that any sanctions against travel to the US placed upon those responsible for Russia’s invasion Ukraine will be limited to no more than a “few dozen” named individuals, it is dramatically increasing its rejection rate of Israelis seeking visas to visit the US.

Netanyahu Pushing White House for Pollard’s Release
The ongoing push to free Jonathan Pollard from his US prison sentence is still active in Washington, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu revealed Saturday night. “Pollard does not need to be in the hospital nor in a prison – he needs to be released.” Netanyahu stated to Channel 10. Pollard has been hospitalized since last week, heightening concerns that the Israeli agent will not live to see his release. “He has paid his price…Israel was wrong to send him.”  
U.S.: No Need for PA to Recognize Israel
The United States believes there is no need for the Palestinian Authority (PA) to recognize Israel as a Jewish state as part of a peace agreement, State Department Spokeswoman Jen Psaki said Saturday. Psaki, who spoke to the PA-based Arabic-language Al-Quds newspaper, said, “The American position is clear, Israel is a Jewish state. However, we do not see a need that both sides recognize this position as part of the final agreement.”
Abbas: I will not recognize Israel as Jewish state
Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas said that the Palestinians will not recognize Israel as a Jewish state at a meeting with students in Ramallah, Israel Radio reported on Friday. There is “no way” that he will agree to recognition, Abbas was quoted as saying by Palestinian news agency WAFA. 

Venezuela Jews fearful in shadow of rebel riots
Government spokesmen describe the situation as “an uprising of fascists and terrorists against a democratically elected government.” The opposition describes local events as constituting “the violent and illegal suppression of legitimate protests against the dire situation in the country, against the lack of personal security and the failing economy.” Amid all of this, members of Venezuela’s Jewish community, most of whom live in the capital, are trying to keep their heads above water.

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