Texas man wearing pro-gun second amendment t-shirt is turned away from voting

Texas man wearing pro-gun second amendment t-shirt is turned away from voting booth for breaking ‘electioneering’ rules

  • Chris Driskill wasn’t allowed to vote because of his shirt supporting ‘the right to bear arms’ 
  • The Republican Primary ballot includes a question asking yes or no on support of the 2nd amendment in places where people are allowed to keep guns
  • Since his shirt was relevant to a question on the ballot it was considered ‘electioneering’ and he was therefore prohibited from voting

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2566736/Texas-Man-wearing-pro-gun-2nd-amendment-t-shirt-turned-away-voting-booth-electioneering-against-candidate.html#ixzz2uGpDLUC7

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