Why the Church Must Be Abandoned

 Why the Church Must Be Abandoned

All of our social institutions have been corrupted and taken over by the forces of evil that we most often refer to as the New World Order. There is not even one institution which reflects the values of your family. If you doubt the veracity of this statement, then please answer the following questions.

Raise your hand if you parents feel that your child’s, anything goes, government school reflects the moral values of your family?

Raise your hand if you feel that our entertainment industry, which embraces every perversion known to man, reflects the moral values of your family?

Raise your hand if you feel the government reflects your belief in hard work, fairness and truly is representative of the moral values of your family?

These institutions are serving an agenda which is far different than you are teaching to your children. If you wonder why your children stray so far from their teachings, I have just identified three reasons why this is true.

Many feel that the one institution that has the capability to defend the beliefs that we hold dear is the church. Along these lines, I have one more question.

Raise your hand if you feel that the Church takes a stand against infanticide, wars of occupation that kill millions of innocent people, corrupt politicians, sexual perversion and government corruption?  I must be addressing people who either have no arms or who are horribly discouraged.

For most of you, your church has abandoned you just like the government, the entertainment industry and the schools. Where is a person to turn?

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