DARPA developing ultimate web search engine to police the internet
DARPA developing ultimate web search engine to police the internet
he Defense Advanced Research (DARPA) said its “Memex” project will be able to search the far corners of internet content that is unattainable by modern, mainstream search engines, offering DARPA “technological superiority in the area of content indexing and Web search on the Internet.
Cybercriminals compromise home routers to attack online banking users
“The attack is possible due to several vulnerabilities in home routers that make DNS configuration susceptible to unauthorized remote modifications,” the Polish CERT researchers said Thursday in a blog post. “In the resulting man-in-the-middle attack content of several e-banking websites was altered to include JavaScript injects that tricked users into giving up their usernames, passwords and TANs [transaction authentication numbers]. Effectively, money is stolen from users’ bank accounts.”
California bill proposes mandatory kill-switch on phones and tablets
The bill is a response to a rise in thefts of portable electronics devices, often at knife or gunpoint, being seen across the state. Already half of all robberies in San Francisco and 75 percent of those in Oakland involve a mobile device and the number is rising in Los Angeles, according to police figures.
EU bids to end US dominance in internet control
The European Commission wants to end US control over the governance of the internet, according to a report published Wednesday (12 February). The EU paper on “Europe’s role in shaping the future of Internet governance” calls for an international group to replace the California-based Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), which manages the assignation of domains such as .com, .co.uk and .org to new websites.