I Believe ‘CIA Will Assassinate Obama’

‘Assassination market’: Bernanke tops ‘kill-list’ in crowd-sourced bitcoin fundraiser for wannabe hitmen
A new site allows anyone to set bounties on the death of any individual and anonymously pay a hit man who fulfills the contract with digital currency bitcoin. Barack Obama, Ben Bernanke and the prime minister of Finland are already on the hit list. 

Dr. Manning: I Believe ‘CIA Will Assassinate Obama’
Dr. James David Manning explains as Lincoln and JFK were assassinated, so too will Obama be, by the CIA and in the video below he explains why he believes this. Manning makes it clear it is his belief that this will happen because Obama’s “purpose was fraudulent from the beginning.”  
With the recent rash of articles and hype around Kennedy assassination, as well as comparisons between Obama, Kennedy, and Lincoln, are we being set up for an assassination attempt on Obama as a pretext for enacting martial law?

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