Mozilla’s Lightbeam tool will expose who is looking over your shoulder on the web
Just who is looking over your shoulder when you browse the Internet? Tomorrow, web users will be given a new tool to shine a light on the commercial organisations which track your every movement online. Lightbeam, a download produced by Mozilla, the US free software community behind the popular Firefox browser, claims to be a “watershed” moment in the battle for web transparency. 

Irritated EU leaders voice ‘lack of trust’ with US after spying claims
EU leaders say their relations with the US have been undermined by reports of NSA spying on European leaders and ordinary citizens. A partnership with America should be built on respect and trust, they said in a joint statement. The statement was released on Friday amid the ongoing summit of top European politicians in Brussels. It said the reports of American surveillance in Europe have raised “deep concerns” among the citizens and may harm cooperation between the EU and the US, particularly in counter-terrorism.

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