Top Israeli rabbi ‘found Messiah’
He was, without doubt, the
most venerated rabbi in Israel at the age of 108. Some 250,000 marched in his
funeral procession after his death in 2007. And what was the name of the Messiah
whom Kaduri met after years of praying and fasting? It was Yehoshua – the formal
name for Yeshua, or Jesus in the Greek.
Dead rabbi the hottest evangelist on planet?
A brand-new book and video titled “The Rabbi Who Found Messiah” tells the story of the venerated rabbi who, on the Day of Atonement in 2005, had a vision that until now has received scant attention by the global media. “For 45 grueling minutes he remained in this condition. Several of his students, fearing the rabbi was suffering some sort of illness or spiritual attack, tried to communicate with the aged man. He remained in the trance, without uttering a word to those around him. He did not acknowledge their presence, even in the slightest manner. No one said another word to the rabbi. No one left the room. Then, the old rabbi lifted his head and muttered, ‘I have met the Messiah.’”
the Jewish Temple
The people of Israel are anxious to rebuild a
new Temple, and many preparations have been made to that end already. Priests’
vestments and vessels to be used in Temple services have been prepared, and
priests are being trained. The main hindrance is the building site itself. The
Temple Mount is home to several Islamic holy places: the Dome of the Rock and
the Al-Aqsa Mosque. Whether the Temple can be constructed either next to, or in
place of, these Islamic shrines awaits a determination of where the previous
Jewish Temples stood.