
Public Citizen.org, self-described as “advocates for a healthier and more equitable world,” sent a fundraising letter to Democrat voters, claiming that “millionaires who run the largest corporations on Earth want to slash the social insurance programs the rest of us rely on.” By slashing, they are referring to the logical proposal to increase eligibility age for Medicare, to correlate Medicare to income, and to modernize/privatize it.

So far, class division and envy rhetoric, blaming the “evil” rich for the world’s problems and social injustice, has worked for progressives because they appeal to the lowest information voters, people who watch “reality” television and take their news information from comedians on the alphabet soup channels, the media machine of the Democrat Party.
It is not the CEOs who have destroyed the middle class and the opportunity to succeed in America, it is the race baiters, politicians, and the community organizers who keep the low information voters misinformed and beholden to their supposed saviors, the very people who control them and benefit from their misfortunes.

“The private, for-profit health insurance establishment” has been able to offer free medical care to all people who could not afford to pay but needed care. Nobody died unnecessarily because they were turned away as the Public Citizen fundraising letter implies.
Unfortunately, with the new ObamaCare, rationing will become the norm and people will be turned down for treatment based on their age and utility to society, they will become “units.” There is a 15-member death panel written into ObamaCare. We will find out soon enough when the unfortunately-named Affordable Care Act starts enrolling people on October 1, 2013.

Unions want ObamaCare repealed or defunded because their members wish to keep their current Cadillac health insurance plans and their doctors, as promised by the President. Congress, who wrote the bill, does not want ObamaCare for themselves and their staffers. They have strategized and manipulated behind closed doors until the President gave them a special status and a 75% subsidy towards the annual premium. 

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