White House Like ‘Despots’ With Holder Move on Civil Rights
Eric Holder’s plan to ask a federal court to reinstate the Justice Department’s authority over voting laws in Texas smacks of despotism by the Obama White House, Sen. Orrin Hatch tells Newsmax TV in an exclusive interview. “The court has already ruled — and he’s trying to reinstitute the Voting Rights Act in Texas,” the Utah Republican tells Newsmax. “If I were a Texan, I’d be so doggone livid that I don’t think I’d ever get over it. That’s not the thing to do, and it just shows how this administration ignores the law. 

Texas Republicans push back against Holder on voting rights challenge
Texas Republican Sen. John Cornyn accused Holder of trying to go around the high court. “This decision has nothing to do with protecting voting rights and everything to do with advancing a partisan political agenda,” Cornyn said.

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