Obama Signals Start of US War in Syria
The Obama Administration’s sudden announcement last night that it has discovered the Syrian government used chemical weapons and thus crossed the “red line” is pretty unconvincing. The Administration provided no evidence, no new information, and no explanation of why the intelligence community’s assessment of just three months ago that chemical weapons had not been used by the Syrian government has changed so dramatically. What changed? They won’t tell us.  
Is Obama Starting A War With Syria Just A Distraction From All The Scandals?
Well, isn’t that convenient? At the moment when the Obama administration is feeling more heat then ever before, it starts another war. Suddenly everyone in the mainstream media is talking all about Syria and not about the IRS scandal, Benghazi, NSA snooping or any of the other political scandals that have popped up in recent weeks.  

Amid Calls for ‘Holy War,’ Egypt Severs Diplomatic Relations with Syria
Egypt’s Islamist president announced Saturday that he was cutting off diplomatic relations with Syria and closing Damascus’ embassy in Cairo, decisions made amid growing calls from hard-line Sunni clerics in Egypt and elsewhere to launch a “holy war” against Syria’s embattled regime. Mohammed Morsi told thousands of supporters at a rally in Cairo that his government was also withdrawing the Egyptian charge d’affaires from Damascus. 

Only an all-out war can depose Assad. Anything less is like being ‘half-pregnant’
Syria’s insurgents cannot win just by getting a few more weapons. If the West intervenes, it will be as a main player  

Iran to send 4,000 troops to aid President Assad forces in Syria
Washington’s decision to arm Syria’s Sunni Muslim rebels has plunged America into the great Sunni-Shia conflict of the Islamic Middle East, entering a struggle that now dwarfs the Arab revolutions which overthrew dictatorships across the region. For the first time, all of America’s ‘friends’ in the region are Sunni Muslims and all of its enemies are Shiites. Breaking all President Barack Obama’s rules of disengagement, the US is now fully engaged on the side of armed groups which include the most extreme Sunni Islamist movements in the Middle East. 

Obama Helps The Antichrist
Obama is now conspicuously giving weapons, and this time to a more lethal degree. These weapons will be used to orchestrate a holocaust in Syria, and it will all be supported by your hard earned money.  
Abdullah: Jordan ready to fight threats from Syria
Jordan’s King Abdullah said on Sunday the kingdom was ready to fight to protect itself against any threat to its security from the escalating civil war in neighboring Syria. He was speaking as Jordanian and US forces proceeded with joint military exercises with the participation of 17 other countries. Diplomats say the exercises, which entered their second week, aim to send a strong message to Syrian President Bashar Assad.  
Syria: Egypt’s Morsi has joined US, Israel
Syria on Sunday harshly criticized Cairo’s decision to sever diplomatic relations with Damascus, accusing Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi of joining a US and Israel-led conspiracy against Syria. Morsi said he had cut all diplomatic ties with Damascus on Saturday and called for a no-fly zone over Syria, pitching the most populous Arab state firmly against President Bashar Assad.  
Syrian warplanes hit Damascus suburbs
Syrian artillery and warplanes have hit rebel-held areas of Damascus, as Russia has warned against any attempt to establish a no-fly zone over the country. The pro-opposition Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a UK-based group, said jets and artillery had attacked Jobar, a battered district where rebels operate on the edge of central Damascus, on Saturday.  
‘Iran to send 4,000 troops to help Syria’s Assad’
Iran will reportedly send a contingent of some 4,000 Revolutionary Guard troops to Syria to aid the regime of Bashar Assad, which is already bolstered by Lebanese fighters from the Hezbollah terror group.  
US to start arming Syrian rebels, but will it make much difference?
Now that the White House says it has determined with “high certainty” that the Syrian regime has used chemical weapons against its people, the United States is planning to send small arms and ammunition to rebel groups there.
Egypt Brotherhood backs Syria jihad, denounces Shi’ites
Egypt’s ruling Muslim Brotherhood blamed Shi’ites for creating religious strife throughout Islam’s history, as the movement joined a call by Sunni clerics for jihad against the Syrian government and its Shi’ite allies.  
The United States is considering a no-fly zone in Syria, potentially its first direct intervention into the two-year-old civil war, Western diplomats said on Friday, after the White House said Syria had crossed a “red line” by using nerve gas. After months of deliberation, President Barack Obama’s administration said on Thursday it would now arm rebels, having obtained proof the Syrian government used chemical weapons against fighters trying to overthrow President Bashar al-Assad. Two senior Western diplomats said Washington is looking into a limited no-fly zone close to Syria’s southern border with Jordan.
Russia says illegal to impose no-fly zone over Syria
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on Saturday any attempt to enforce a no-fly zone over Syria using F-16 fighter jets and Patriot missiles from Jordan would violate international law. Russia, which has protected Syrian President Bashar Assad from three UN Security Council resolutions aimed at pressuring him to end violence, vehemently opposes any foreign military intervention in the Syrian conflict.  
Russia questions Syrian chemical weapons evidence
Russia’s foreign minister says the evidence put forth by the United States of chemical weapons use in Syria apparently doesn’t meet stringent criteria for reliability. The Obama administration said this week that it will give lethal aid to Syrian rebels in light of evidence that President Bashar Assad’s forces used chemical weapons in the country’s civil war.  
‘Over 70 Syrian officers, families cross border to Turkey’
As many as 73 Syrian military officers — including seven generals and 20 colonels — have crossed the border with their families “seeking refuge” in Turkey, the country’s state-run news agency reported Friday.

G8 Northern Ireland summit: Syria set to top agenda
World leaders are gathering in Northern Ireland for a G8 summit set to be dominated by the conflict in Syria. UK Prime Minister David Cameron said he hoped the G8 nations would focus on “common ground” on the issue of bringing peace to Syria. But Russia, Syria’s key ally, opposes US plans to arm the rebels – something leader Vladimir Putin made clear after talks with Mr Cameron on Sunday. 

News Massive blast devastates Damascus area
“It was so big. There was a white light followed by a sound like thunder,” said one resident who was several kilometers from the site. 

“This message came to me concerning Damascus: ‘Look, Damascus will disappear! It will become a heap of ruins. The cities of Aroer will be deserted. Sheep will graze in the streets and lie down unafraid. There will be no one to chase them away. The fortified cities of Israel will also be destroyed, and the power of Damascus will end. The few left in Aram will share the fate of Israel’s departed glory,’ says the Lord Almighty.” Isaiah 17:1-3

The city of Damascus, the capital of Syria, is the oldest continuously populated city in the world and this prophecy of Damascus becoming a ruinous heap and unpopulated has yet to be fulfilled.

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