Obama’s debate performance was like a Planned Parenthood commercial, pro-lifer says

by Ben Johnson

Wed Oct 17 4:47 AM EST

HEMPSTEAD, NY, October 17, 2012, (LifeSiteNews.com) –  Pundits are split over whether Barack Obama or Mitt Romney performed better at their town hall at Hofstra University, but last night’s contentious presidential debate had one clear winner: Planned Parenthood.

Rebecca Kiessling, a pro-life activist who was conceived in rape, questioned President Obama’s continual name-dropping of Planned Parenthood – an organization he mentioned by name five times in the space of an hour.

“Was that some sort of fundraising ploy?” she asked. “Did someone pledge a million dollars every time he mentioned them?—because he kept saying [Planned Parenthood] at the most unusual junctures, like an awkwardly obvious product placement in the middle of a TV show.”

Operation Rescue President Troy Newman agreed. “Mr Planned Parenthood now stumps for the baby killing giant for the third time. Is this an abortion commercial?” he wrote part way through the debate.

The president managed to work the abortion provider into his answer on questions about tax policy, the legacy of former President George W. Bush, and sexual discrimination in the workplace.

“It’s clear which candidate has a love affair with the largest abortion provider in the country and around the world,” Kiessling wrote. “As I’ve said, he’s absolutely the greatest threat to unborn children.”

“Why does CNN insist on acting like women care more about contraception than the economy?” wrote Georgette Forney, president of Anglicans for Life, shortly after the debate. “They continue to think we base our opinions on our sex organs versus our brains.”

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The presidential candidates clashed openly and often during the nearly two-hour meeting, which CBS news anchor Scott Pelley called the “most rancorous presidential debate ever.”

Ultimately, most observers focused on neither Romney nor Obama but the moderator, CNN’s Candy Crowley.

When Mitt Romney accused Obama of having claimed the murder of the U.S. ambassador to Libya came in response to an anti-Muslim film and failing to call it an act of terrorism, Crowley falsely interjected the president had made such a statement about terrorism. However, the phrase in question was ambiguous. Shortly after the debate, Crowley admitted that Mitt Romney was “right in the main.”

Crowley, who has a history of pro-abortion statements, vetted all questions the candidates were answered and intervened personally.

Although both candidates complained of being cut off, President Obama received more speaking time: 44 minutes, four seconds to Romney’s 40 minutes, 50 seconds.

Polls show few minds changed by the debate, with most people believing the candidate they favored won the debate.

Troy Newman wrote, “Obama did much better” than his lifeless first debate, “but lied through his teeth and stumped for” Planned Parenthood.” Romney, he said, was “very Reagan-esque.”

The two contenders will meet in a final debate, which will focus largely on foreign policy, next Monday.

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