Billy Graham site removes Mormon ‘cult’ reference after Romney meeting

Shortly after Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney enjoyed cookies and soft drinks with the Rev. Billy Graham and his son Franklin Graham on Thursday at the elder Graham’s mountaintop retreat, a reference to Mormonism as a cult was scrubbed from the website of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. In a section of the website called Billy Graham’s My Answer there had been the question “What is a cult?” 

[Compromise for the sake of politics…  Yet another example of how we have turned our back on God.  At least it was obvious concerning the Democrat’s position on kicking God out of their party platform, however where was the outcry when the Republican Party blocked all of the Christian primary candidates such as Michelle Bachman and Ron Paul and selected a mormon and a catholic to represent them?

In any case, this should not be that much of a surprise or something to get upset about.  Do a little research on your own and you will see that, while he started out very well, Billy Graham has a decades long history of ecumenism and compromise to the point that he doesn’t even believe Jesus is the only way any more…]

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