Report: U.S. Ambassador was raped before he was murdered

U.S. Ambassador was raped before he was murdered

The Arabic
language website known as Lebanon News ( has just reported the
horrific claim that the heavily armed mob responsible for the murder of U.S.
Ambassador to Libya, J. Christopher Stevens, 52, actually raped him before he
was killed.  

Obama send a ‘gay’ ambassador to Libya?

Believing the “Arab
Spring” countries would be encouraged to embrace democracy through left-leaning
diplomats dedicated to understanding and dialoguing with Muslim communities, did
a State Department under Secretary Clinton that refused to establish rules of
engagement providing embassy personnel Marine Corp protection take the
additional risk of placing a gay ambassador in Muslim countries? 

House denies claims it ignored credible information about consulate

The Independent published a frontpage story on Friday
claiming the US State Department had been tipped off 48-hours before the attack
on Tuesday, in which US ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans
were killed as an angry mob surrounded the US consulate in Benghazi. …As the
report…emerged last night, a US official flatly denied that the State
Department had prior knowledge of an impending attack.  

inside story of US envoy’s assassination

America ‘was warned of
embassy attack but did nothing’ The killings of the US ambassador to Libya and
three of his staff were likely to have been the result of a serious and
continuing security breach, The Independent can reveal.  

‘blessed’ 9/11 attacks, Al-Zawahiri tells Muslims to exploit US ‘weakness’ to
purify their countries

Ayman al-Zawahiri on Thursday released an
audio recording hailing the “blessed” September 11 terror attacks as “the
greatest blow” America had ever suffered. He also asserted an Islamic duty to
“liberate” every inch of Muslim lands, and called upon Muslims to “purify” their
countries of corrupt leaders during what he termed a period of “American

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