Month: April 2012

Listen to God more, O’Reilly less

Glenn Beck insults Sherrif Joe Arpaio and millions of concerned Americans, Beck Religious beliefs questioned, Listen to God more O’Reilly less Posted on March 4, 2012 Glenn Beck insults Sherrif Joe Arpaio and millions of concerned Americans, Beck Religious beliefs questioned, Listen to God more O’Reilly less “Why has Obama, since taking the White House,

Progressives demand more gun control

[They are certainly getting their money’s worth out of the media propaganda machine. They are running this story day and night and are showing an innocent looking picture of Trayvon from 3 years ago when he was 14, in order to justify additional anti-gun legislation, hate crimes laws, and making it a crime to defend

The lie of the “Trust Fund”

[Even though the American public was sold the “lie” that social security was a “trust fund” for retirement, it was created as an additional payroll tax. It has always been (legally) nothing more than an additional tax that (even according to the Supreme Court) the government has no legal requirement to ever pay back to