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Glenn Beck insults Sherrif Joe Arpaio and millions of concerned Americans, Beck Religious beliefs questioned, Listen to God more O’Reilly less
Posted on March 4, 2012

Glenn Beck insults Sherrif Joe Arpaio and millions of concerned Americans, Beck Religious beliefs questioned, Listen to God more O’Reilly less

“Why has Obama, since taking the White House, used Justice Department Attorneys, at taxpayer expense,  to avoid presenting a legitimate birth certificate and college records?”…Citizen Wells

“Why does Glenn Beck continue to make uninformed attacks and insults upon Sheriff Joe Arpaio and millions of concerned Americans?”…Citizen Wells

“Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall.”…Proverbs 16:18

What makes a man like Glenn Beck, who professes to have religious and conservative values, who claims to believe in the US Constitution, say the things that he says. What makes Beck praise Sheriff Joe Arpaio for doing one part of his job, protect the border, and at the same time ridicule him for doing another part of his job.

Although I tend to like Glenn Beck and agree with him on most subjects, I have let him have it in the past for criticizing and ridiculing millions of concerned Americans, including high ranking military officers, for questioning Obama’s past, his records and his eligibility for the presidency. I have never
 had a problem with Glenn Beck not agreeing with those concerned Americans. However, he has gone to extremes in his criticism and belittling. This makes me question, if not his patriotism, his alleged religious values.

Also disturbing about Glenn Beck’s remarks on Obama’s eligibility is his admission that he doesn’t do research and relies on his staff and sources like Bill O’Reilly. O’Reilly finally admitted that he used the newspaper announcements in Hawaii as evidence of Obama’s birth there. Beck just used this argument as well. Anyone doing minimal research has discovered that anyone could place an announcement in the paper and do so much after the fact. One also finds that placing the ad in one newpaper automatically placed it in the other.

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