Month: December 2006

Huge Fines, Jail, and Loss of Custody Threatened for Homeschoolers

These trends in Europe, Canada, the U.N. and other countries are particularly scary in that the U.S. Supreme Court has been citing laws in other countries as precedents used to justify similar positions here in the U.S. We need to be vigilant lest these become commonplace here as well… To those of us in the

Pesky religion freedoms obstruct German society

Minister of justice also says churches cannot monopolize faith teaching December 15, 2006 © 2006 A nation where the law bans homeschooling, and police have been known to physically haul children from their homes to public school facilities, now has a judicial official who says those pesky religious rights are getting in the way

Challenging Darwin’s Myths

by Mark Hartwig “It is absolutely safe to say that if you meet somebody who claims not to believe in evolution, that person is ignorant, stupid or insane (or wicked, but I’d rather not consider that).”–Richard Dawkins, prominent Oxford scientist and author Ever since Darwin first published his theory of evolution, his defenders’ favorite tactic

Pornography and the Attack on the Living Temple of God

Bishop Paul S. Loverde …What was once the shameful and occasional vice of the few has become the mainstream entertainment for the many – through the Internet, cable, satellite and broadcast television, cell phones and even portable gaming and entertainment devices designed for children and teenagers. Never before have so many Americans been so tempted

Circumcision Reduces Risk of AIDS, Study Finds

December 13, 2006By DONALD G. McNEIL Jr.Circumcising African men may cut their risk of catching AIDS in half, the National Institutes of Health said today as it stopped two clinical trials in Africa, when preliminary results suggested that circumcision worked so well that it would be unethical not to offer it to uncircumcised men in

An Insult to Humanity

An “insult to humanity” — that’s how a well-known Jewish group is describing a conference that got under way today in Iran involving people who question whether the Holocaust really occurred. About 70 people have gathered in Tehran for the two-day conference to trade allegations that the death of six-million Jews at the hand of

Right and Wrong

Excerpted from The Lie: Evolution Chapter 5by Ken Ham Christians have standards of right and wrong because they accept that there is a Creator, and as Creator, He has direct ownership over His creation. He owns us not only because He created us but because as the Scriptures say, “Know ye not that … ye

Holy Wisdom

by Bruce S. Thornton…the West is supposed to respect and tolerate Muslims and Islam, all the while that no such respect is afforded to Christians and Jews. The West is supposed to feel guilty and obsess over its putative crimes against Islam, all the while that the longer chronicle of Islamic assault against the West

Incoming Congress Prepares to Launch ‘Operation Surrender’

by Ann CoulterThe “bipartisan” Iraq panel has recommended that Iran and Syria can help stabilize Iraq. You know, the way Germany and Russia helped stabilize Poland in ’39. Now that Democrats have won the House, they can concentrate on losing the war. Despite all the phony conservative Democrats who got elected as gun-totin’ hawks, the

Terrorists rejoicing over new Iraq ‘plan’

Reaction to Study Group: ‘Allah and his angels’ responsible, ‘era of Islam and of jihad’ declared Aaron JERUSALEM – A high level U.S. commission’s recommendations for an eventual withdrawal from Iraq and for dialogue with Iran and Syria proves “Islamic resistance” works and America will ultimately be defeated, according to senior terrorist leaders interviewed