Month: August 2005

Spiking the PIG at Barnes and Noble

August 02, 2005 The “PIG,” of course, is the Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades). Not only are cowardly talk show hosts afraid to discuss this book — some bookstores are trying to make sure that buyers can’t find it. Jihad Watch reader Bosch ‘PIGMAN’ Fawstin sent me this email: Mr. Spencer,

Evolutionist Admits False Assertions Against Critic of Darwin’s Theories

By By Jim Brown August 1, 2005 (AgapePress) – The head of a pro-evolution think tank has issued a retraction for factual misstatements and false allegations she made in an article attacking a California man who wants the scientific weaknesses of Darwin’s theory of evolution taught in public school science classes. In her retraction, director