Okla. Parents Group Wants Profane Public School Library Books Pulled

By Jim Brown

August 4, 200

(AgapePress) – A group of Oklahoma parents is attempting to get objectionable books removed from school libraries statewide. Concerned mom Lynn Rahman began researching books in Tulsa school library collections and reading lists and found that many of the books contained emphases on homosexuality, sex, violence, drugs, and profanity.

After extending her probe statewide, Rahman says she encountered similar results. Now, along with other members of Oklahomans for School Accountability, she is alerting parents around the state to what kind of inappropriate material is in their children’s school libraries. The effort is part of the group’s ongoing campaign to get vulgar and profane library books removed from public schools across the state.

“The main objective is to let parents across the state know that these books are present in many schools,” Rahman notes. Also, the parent-advocate says the group hopes to encourage other concerned parents to start challenging books they find objectionable. “That is our goal,” she says. “All we want to do is provide the information, and they can always find it on our website.”

The Oklahoma mom says she has done an extensive investigation into the sort of “egregious” content to be found in many of the books schools make available to youngsters to read there or check out and take home. Her survey revealed “books on homosexuality, books on rape, drugs, violence, foul language,” she points out, “and most of them are fiction that I had found and that I have research on.”

Rahman believes proponents of the controversial literature and those who defend its inclusion in school library collections are those who would like to indoctrinate young children with the belief that homosexuality is “natural and normal,” among other false and unhealthy notions. She has written to state congressman Tad Jones, asking the lawmaker to bring the matter to the attention of the Oklahoma House of Representatives.

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