Hollywood discovers dhimmitude doesn’t pay

The dhimmi epic ‘Kingdom of Heaven’ is not setting any records. ‘Hollywood Blunder: Anti-Crusader Epic Bombs at Box Office,’ from Discover the Network, with thanks to DC Watson:

“The lucrative summer movie season suffered its worst start in years Sunday, as the costly Crusades epic `Kingdom of Heaven’ crawled into the No. 1 slot at the North American weekend box office with meager ticket sales of just $20 million,” reports Reuters.

British director Ridley Scott — still brimming with confidence from his earlier success with the sword-and-sandal extravaganza Gladiator — poured $150 million into producing Kingdom of Heaven.

But when word leaked out that the film portrayed Christian crusaders as bad guys, Muslims as good guys — and religion itself as the fount of all evil — the movie-going public shrugged its collective shoulders, fired up its DVD players and popped in its well-worn but ever-reliable copies of Braveheart and The Return of the King.

Dhimmi Watch: Hollywood discovers dhimmitude doesn’t pay

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