Nigerian Muslim Militants “Pronounce Death Sentence” over Christian Students

February 04, 2005

Nigerian Muslim Militants ‘Pronounce Death Sentence’ over Christian Students

Traditional Islamic law mandates death for those who leave Islam, and for non-Muslims who try to induce Muslims to leave Islam. That may have been a motive in the New Jersey murders — and for those who don’t believe that that sort of thing really happens, here is a story from Nigeria. From ‘Nigeria: Muslim Militants Target Expelled Christian Students,’ from Compass Direct

February 3 (Compass) — Muslim militants pronounced a death sentence on five Christian students expelled from public schools in November for conducting an evangelistic outreach.

The families of two of the students, Miss Hanatu Haruna Alkali and Abraham Adamu Misal, were attacked on January 26 when militants went to their family homes in the state of Gombe in northern Nigeria intending to kill them.

A sister of Alkali, who asked not to be named, reported to Compass from Gombe that Muslim militants have attacked the house several times. Family members fear for their lives.

Family Held At Gun Point

Rev. Oludare Aliu, national coordinator of the students’ ministry of the Evangelical Church of West Africa (ECWA), confirmed the report. “Muslim militants went to Gombe to … kill Hannatu, but fortunately, she was not at home at the time. The family was held at gun point. Hannatu’s father happens to be a former military officer. He wrestled with the militants and was able to disarmed one of them who had a gun. While he was fighting them, one of the militants stabbed Hannatu’s mother with a knife. She has been treated for the wounds.” Alkali is now in hiding.

Jihad Watch: Nigerian Muslim Militants “Pronounce Death Sentence” over Christian Students

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