Month: January 2005

Discovery Institute explains intelligent design

Published January 27, 2005 SEATTLE (BP)–The theory of intelligent design is in the news right now, but some of the purportedly factual descriptions of the theory being offered by reporters are highly inaccurate. Part of the reason for this is that some reporters are citing as fact partisan descriptions of design theory offered by anti-design

Sticker Wars

Sticker Wars: Intelligent design foes fight evolution sticker CHARLES COLSON BreakPoint Published January 27, 2005 Last week a federal judge, egged on by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), ordered a Georgia school district to remove stickers from biology textbooks. Why? Because, according to the judge, a simple statement written on the stickers ‘that evolution

RU-486 is a killer

The medical industry calls them “Adverse Events Reports” — but Concerned Women for America calls them confirmation that RU-486 is a killer. The pro-family group requested, under the Freedom of Information Act, that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) produce the reports filed by doctors, Danco (manufacturer of RU-486), and women themselves. CWA says the

Hillary 2008

January 26, 2005 Compiled by Jody Brown A pro-family leader believes there’s now little doubt that Hillary Clinton is planning a run for the White House in 2008. Campaign for Working Families head Gary Bauer is calling it “Hillary’s Extreme Makeover” — a reference to a popular television show. But in this case it is

The Searing of the Conscience

Feature by Steve Gallagher Pure Life Ministries January 26, 2005 AgapePress Most people think of hardened criminals and the most duplicitous of men when speaking of someone with a seared conscience. Yet, I believe many in the Church today are also in very real danger of this spiritual phenomenon. The apostle Paul had a clear

Bias Killed Darwin-Critical Curriculum Proposal

By Jim Brown January 25, 2005 AgapePress A parent in California has sued his local district over its exclusion of science materials that present weaknesses and criticisms of evolution. Larry Caldwell’s lawsuit alleges the Roseville School District rejected his proposed curriculum because he is a Christian and school officials do not want to inform students

Let students examine both evolution and intelligent design

Tuesday, January 25, 2005 Steve Slater Roy Miles (Dec. 29 commentary, “Intelligent design is a theory built on unknown data”) asserted that there is a “vast amount of evidence for evolution.” I would like to respond point by point to the assertions in his article. If by “evolution” he meant variation in species, adaption,

Link between the evolutionary worldview and moral decay

Creationist Mindset Fertile Soil for Moral Beliefs By Allie Martin January 24, 2005 AgapePress A chemist for a Fortune 500 company says there is a strong link between the evolutionary worldview and moral decay. For years, Bruce Malone says he believed what he had been taught about evolution in public universities. But his viewpoint changed

Survey finds church-goers growing bolder

Jan. 22, 2005 Reuters CHICAGO Many polled are leery of political compromises on core beliefs Church-going Americans have grown increasingly intolerant in the past four years of politicians making compromises on such hot issues as abortion and gay rights, according to a survey released Saturday. At the same time, those polled said they were growing