Christians arrested and jailed

Agape Press

12 Jan 2005

In Philadelphia, the case of five pro-family activists, one of whom is a minor, charged in connection with sharing the gospel at a homosexual event is back before the courts today (January 12). The three felonies and five misdemeanors that are leveled at the four adult activists could add up to 47 years in prison.

The demonstrators face arraignment for alleged ethnic intimidation, criminal conspiracy, and inciting to riot. Film shot for an upcoming documentary titled ‘The Philadelphia Five’ shows Michael Marcavage and other members of Repent America trying to make themselves heard over homosexual activists who whistled and surrounded them with pink signs. When Marcavage complained to police, he and his fellow Christians were arrested and jailed.

Bob Knight of the Culture and Family Institute calls the incident a travesty, and says it is getting far too little attention. ‘It’s outrageous that the mainstream media and elected officials have not addressed this. Only the Christian media are keeping this story alive,’ he notes. ‘You’re talking about felony charges against people who peacefully tried to give the gospel, and then submitted to arrest by police.’ Knight calls this a profoundly important First Amendment issue.

The demonstrators are being represented by attorneys with the American Family Association Center for Law & Policy, who announced earlier today they planned to file a renewed motion for emergency relief in federal district court. That motion cites statements from the district attorney’s office as new evidence supporting the necessary federal intervention in the case.

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