Beheading Suspect Attended Same Mosque as 9/11 Terrorist

Another Oklahoma Man, Reportedly a Muslim, Arrested After He Allegedly Threatened to Cut Off Coworker’s Head: ‘This Is Just What We Do’
A fired Oklahoma City nursing home employee was arrested after a female coworker reported that he threatened to behead her, the Oklahoman said. The woman said she asked him why they kill Christians and he replied, “This is just what we do,” the detective reported. “The victim said Jacob asked her what time she got off work and she replied by asking him in a joking manner if he was going to kill her,” the detective wrote. “Jacob told the victim, ‘Yes,’ he was going to cut her head off. 

Beheading Suspect Attended Same Mosque as 9/11 Terrorist
MOORE, Oklahoma — Alton Nolen, the man who beheaded one woman and severely injured another at Vaughan Foods in Moore, Oklahoma, was apparently a radicalized Muslim. Nolen attended the same mosque as Zacarias Moussaoui, a man convicted in federal court of conspiring to kill U.S. citizens as part of the September 11 attacks.

Oklahoma Beheading is the First of More to Come in the US
Islamic beheadings are making their way to the West. Recently an elderly woman in Britain was savagely decapitated by a Muslim inspired by the ISIS beheadings of James Foley and Steven Sotloff, and now a woman in Oklahoma has been beheaded by a Muslim coworker. 

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